Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Technology and Children and Fart and Poop Jokes and Amy Poehler

I just finished reading Yes Please and it made me happy. This isn't really a review, but I wanted to say that. This is more about all the thinks I am thinking after reading it.

Of course I love Leslie Knope. But I didn't really know I loved Amy Poehler, but I do. I wish I was her friend, but I'm not, so I'll just gush here a little bit and be done with it.


K, done.

I feel like my brain is slowly being eaten every time my fingertips touch my phone. Or my keyboard, aimlessly clicking around Clickhole and the like. The fact that there is a website named Clickhole tells us a lot about ourselves as consumers of all things digital.

I want to pretend I can maintain a healthy distance, or do, and it's effortlessly, but it's all my effort. I don't (try not to) check my e-mail on weekends, especially in the summer when I have the opportunity to escape to our lake cottage and hang out playing stupid word games with my eight year old in his hammock and stop my baby from constantly trying to eat grass, which is what I did this weekend. The TV should just be background noise and NOTHING at my work is important enough that it can't wait til Monday, as far as I'm concerned.

I work in digital marketing. I am not a marketing person. I don't want to sell you something you don't need. I do, however, like to tell stories and if I think something is fucking awesome, I use all of my power and words and energy to let you know that. And I think that's how marketing should be. I want to believe in the product or service or person. I don't want to care about Google Analytics or SEO  or Adwords and other jargon that is dumb, dumb, dumb. This is why I don't care how many clicks my blog posts get, really. Maybe a little, because that little bar graph thing is kind of exciting and I feel like I'm winning?..

But, I don't HATE my job, but sometimes I feel like an asshole. Then I remember there are a lot of assholes in the world also doing what I'm doing, without feeling even a teeny bit bad about it, and remain constantly connected and think that's a good thing.

Then I feel a little bit better.

But I love this, right? I'm using my damn computer right now to type this blog post on the internets. I love that I can do this, vent and get my thoughts on (virtual) paper quickly and out of my head since they so often seem to stay there since I'm alone all the time with childrens and work from home and writing because I want to is such wonderful solace and peace for me. This allows me to do it, my two most favorite things, read and write, easier. It allows me to make time for it, because I can call it my lunch break or jump up in the morning and get these thoughts I've had while in the shower out of my head immediately.  I can stroke my ego and feel all my feels at the same time. Pretty cool. Thanks, computer!

..but the first thought I had when I finished Poehler's book was that I hafta go add this to my Goodreads and stuff. See? That weird urge to add something to my list, to one up myself, give myself that additional gold star. I know it's not a race, but I still feel like it's one. Thanks Obama.

To surmise:
Technology is good and bad. Hammocks are always good.

I have decided we all want to just eat their little selves up in one big grandiose meal of mama love, espically the moms of little boys. Apparently oher people think this way, and it makes me feel less weird to say I want to eat my children.

I want to eat my children.

Really, having little boys is so, so amazing and they just love their mom and each other so very fiercely and wonderfully and it's beautiful, beautiful. I don't think everyone should have children. Have them if you want them. Or don't. But my children have made me better, because I am a selfish asshole and I am now slightly less selfish which makes me a little less blind to the rest of the world. And they have made my 'little family', which is something new for me and something I cling to with all my strength and heart and ferocity and I will cut you if you do anything to mess that up for me.

I will cut you.

Fart and Poop Jokes:
They are always funny. I don't care how old you are.

 So now I hafta get ready for a virtual meeting by brushing my hair and teeth, adjusting the lighting in my room and pretending I'm not sitting here in my PJs when 10:30 roles around. But first I have to change the baby's poopy diaper, because he likes to poop before I have important works things to do.

See ya.

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