Thursday, July 25, 2013

Whiny forty year olds and I'm lacking medication. Ugh.

I don’t think I can adequately explain my frustrations verbally with public attacks on individuals and places that are totally, totally unwarranted.  I can barely express it on paper without randomly smashing keys then throwing my laptop across the room. Because in reality that’s what I want to do to this douchebag’s head.
yeah. fuck you.

I welcome constructive criticism, no matter how much it stings. Learning is growing, and growing is painful. I get that.  Granted, I don’t take it well and sulk about it, but in the end it’s always for the best.


You can’t do that to my family and friends, yo. Say what you will about me, but don’t you dare say anything negative about them when it’s totally uncalled for.  And I’m not being bias –really. I’m the first to call out dumb mistakes when friends/family are being idiots.  I’m the asshole—that role has been filled.

I’ve watched a lot of cartoons recently, being unemployed (sorta) and at home (mostly) with a six year old boy. Predictable plot lines.  A problem. A bully.  The good guys falter, rally together, and overcome. Instant Karma in fifteen minute increments. 

I hope I make it through this summer.

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