So I feel like I am being lax. I haven't posted in a few days, and that is not living up to my expectations of myself! Agh! But--things have been busy, to say the least (but really, when are they not?)
Here's a little bit of a recap of what I have been a slacker, why my TBR pile is overflowing, and what I intend to do about all of it.
I have a few jobs. One main job, which pays (mostly) my bills and keeps me pretty dang busy. But I do freelance stuff too, which comes up sporadically and can mean I'm going to a brewery or a restaurant or an event or to interview someone at my house or a number of things. Or I'm doing SEO website stuff for some blogs. Or whatever. I've had a lot of whatever lately, plus some volunteer stuff to help friends out. Plus my job has really been picking up and I am at the point where I have to learn all sorts of new things I didn't ever think I'd have to learn. There goes most of the hours in my day right there.
Kids. I have two of them, and they also take up time. I'm in the process of seeking a 'Mother's Helper' that won't negate the fact I work by costing a gazillion dollars, so I succumbed and set up a month of (those bastards..) for $$ and have been interviewing a few folks, with a decision to be made soon. Hopefully that gives me back some hours in my day.
And the big one is going back to school, of course so there's all that school getting ready stuff to deal with. Shoe shopping and supply gathering, paperwork and orientation. Getting him to stop playing Minecraft after a reasonable time. Bedtime, ugh.
The husband is often gone, no surprises there, but he just got off our annual Restaurant Week, which is actually 10 days. And someone quit. And then someone got sick. And then someone got kicked out of the house by their soon to be ex wife and he lost another employee. And Dutch ppl really like a lot of food for cheap.
Two days off in the last month or so. Open to close. Minimum 10 hour days. He's not usually around, but he REALLY wasn't around for awhile. Which put an extra load of stress on me, which made me stress out on him, and he was already overworked and grumpy and tired and stressed, so we started arguing, fairly seriously, for a little bit.
Things of course, like they always do with us, calm down once we realized we both were under a lot of pressure with all the things. SO MANY THINGS. So that's resolved, but it didn't make anything easier the last few weeks.
Yesterday, I agreed to babysit my friend's sweet little boy, no problems there, he's a great baby. But- I have two babies and tried to work? That was silly, ha. And I scheduled an interview with a potential sitter at around the same time. Which I kind of forgot about until she knocked on my door. Heh.
And right before that, the husband texted me, saying he almost passed out, had cold clammy skin and was dizzy and felt sick, that his chest and arms and hands were going numb and he was going to just go ahead and DRIVE home when his Sous chef came in.
Yeah, husbands, I know. He has low blood pressure problems, which, by the way, I didn't find out until THIS YEAR (we've been married 8 years) and from his mother. So there was that to freak out about too.
So today before he comes home, I made him a doctors appointment. Really, a sick Chef husband is no use to anyone. And I love him and all that crap, of course.

BALANCE. With the big kid going back to school, the soon-to-be hiring of a Mother's Helper, and no crazy restaurant events in the near future for Chef, the day after Labor Day is going to be my time to GET MY SHIT TOGETHER. I will educate myself for my job! I will complete all assignments on time! I will push myself and DO MORE! I will get my children on schedules and to bed at normal children hours! I will spend quality time with the husband! I will exercise!
Okay, no I won't exercise, totally not doing that.
But - I will get back to book reviews, posting regularly, reading regularly, and getting up before 9 or 10 AM. Which means probably not staying up til 2 or 3 AM.
That will work itself out, I'm sure.
*My dryer is broken. I just realized my dryer is broken. It's broken....
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