Sunday, September 27, 2015

Deep Dark Fears by Fran Krause- Review

This graphic novel from Ten Speed Press is cute and quirky and a fun little gift for a birthday or holiday.  This is just, basically, a collection of illustrations about those weird, irrational fears we all possess. You know, those ones you never tell anyone because they are totally nonsensical and outrageous but in reality people would be like-- "oh. Me too." Each 'fear' is a few lines of text and a few panels of illustration- i.e. each page or two is one fear.

My irrational fears?

I used to be scared to be on the toilet when I flushed the toilet. I thought there was something that would come out of the toilet to take me to the netherworld, or something. So I'd wipe, stand up really fast, flush and slam the lid closed.

I also was terrified something was always under the bed so my bed was a boxspring and mattress on the floor. Thanks, Little Monsters.

And dolls--don't get me started.

I am a weirdo.

But so is everyone else. Reading this is justification on the strangeness that we all have floating around in our heads.

The drawings are gentle and offset by the actual fears, so it makes it much better than illustrations that were too graphic or sharp. This isn't something I'd necessarily seek out to purchase, but would appreciate as a fun little coffee table book to flip through.

 YES on Fear #12- I've often wanted to crawl inside my husband because I just love him so much.

That sounds weird, now that I typed it and re-read what I typed..


A few of the illustrations/panels look not totally complete yet (I think..#33 or #34?) Oh.. yes, do add doodles of ants on #11. I like doodle ants.

And --also parents are pretty fucked up! Who tells their kids these things?

Oh.. me, probably. Wonder what permanent mental damage I've done to my kiddos so far...

*(note: e-galley sent free via Netgalley)

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