Monday, June 8, 2015

Making this Decision. Fingers Crossed.

So I've decided. I've decided to start actually devoting time to this, time for myself to write, explore, muse and talk.
Fuck it all-let's do this.
2015 brought a new baby boy, a big ol' move, lots of stresses, new medication, slight restoration and then complete disintegration and maybe more restoration of my sanity. Or I'm drinking more, that could be it.

Working from home with an 8 month old is proving difficult. I'm happy when I get a shower before noon. It's really exciting when the baby naps.

Since the snazzy at-home Digital Marketing gig has been picking up, I've let go a lot of my fun freelance stuff, like writing for , which is a super bummer.  Too hard to get outta the house with the kid(s), and I gotta make that money now that we've moved into a bigger house where the bills will certainly be more.

It's sad, and I'm beginning to feel like I'm giving up on something that kept me sane. So I've got to fix it (while sitting in my PJs, baby boy throwing things out of his playpen and crying because I'm most definitely an asshole mom), and the road to recovery will lie here.

I've been requesting ARCs, also known as Advanced Readers Copies, of new books, sparked by my recent podcast obsession, which has been fueled by insomnia and frustration. Fuck watching a movie anymore! What's a movie?

Anyway, one of those Podcasts is Book Riot, which led me to All The Books. Both are awesome and reminded me what a book nerd I am. So, I'll do some reviews, because hopefully some kindhearted publisher somewheres will send things along. I'll give myself an allowance to take the time to read for pleasure, whenever possible, write for pleasure (and sanity) whenever possible, and hope it leads me back towards that precipice where work life and personal life and family life meld magically and everything is all right.

Here's hoping.

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