Monday, June 22, 2015

Books, books, so many books!

Reading so many books at once and it's just delicious. Listened to a podcast last night that made me 'whoa.'


Is my job making me this way?.. Maybe.. Maybe.

Currently reading:
-Saga - latest issue
-Descender - latest issue
-Coffin Hill - latest issue
(these are comics folks. I like comics. I never used to like comics, but, damnit, I like comics.)

Almost finished:

Just finished and will review soon:

Just finished and may or may not review (hey-my time is limited):
-Nailbiter #2 (trade-ALSO a comic.)
-Savage #1 (comic)

A million more are sitting on my nightstand, looking at me angrily.

So, the Jesse Eisenberg book was my first (!) ARC received via mail. Pretty. Damn exciting. Plan on reviewing it in depth soon! Also just got Margaret Atwood's new one:

 Pretty excited about this one too! I LOVE printed copies of books, and while NetGalley is awesome and I am in the midst of reading a few e-Galley's on there at well, there's something about the feel of a book in your hand and the smell of newly printed pages and the heft of the paper that just makes me happy inside.

More reviews to come! Thinking that reading is definitely keeping me sane(ish), and happy I have an outlet to write.

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