Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Starring Shapes! by Tania Howells-Kids Book Review!

Yay! I got my first kids book galley. Here's the description via NetGalley:

"Shapes play supporting roles in the world around us, but which one will be the star of Shapeston Elementary School's play? Triangle has experience as a traffic sign, and Square moonlights as a postage stamp, Circle as a lemon slice, Rectangle as the cover of a magazine and Diamond as a kite, while Oval has played a surfboard. A fun and fresh look at basic shapes that will have you seeing them in surprising places."

I read it to this guy:
after naptime, and had the bigger one help me out, to see if he approved of the book.

my kids are weird...
Ser Loki says:
"I would read this if I was little, because it tells you about what each of the shapes could be, so it kind of would make me think about it if I didn't know a lot about shapes already." 

The bright colors, clean lines and simple illustrations are definitely appealing to little ones. It's easy to point out and identify the shapes as you go through the book. "Look, a circle can be a beach ball, the shape of this window. Circles are everywhere!"

The text established little storylines and personalities for each particular shape - Triangle is the life of the party, Square likes to help, Diamond is dazzling, and that's kind of cute.  An Indian holiday was mentioned in the book and I totally had to Google it (Diwali), which made me feel a little less worldly than I thought I was. It was kind of annoying (it's a kids book!) but also a way to introduce children to festivals, etc they might not know about, I guess..but within the purpose and context of this book (let's learn about shapes!), kind of a needless distraction.

I'd give it an overall 3.5 out of 5. I tend to expect a lot of my children's books. Simplicity isn't a disqualifier for a 5 out of 5 rating, but I need it to hold my attention. I'm pretty ADD, ya know, like a four year old, so. Ha.

So-there you go! I reviewed a book. Don't be too hard on me, this is new for me folks. I just says it like I sees it.


(*note: this book was received digitally via netgalley for free.)

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