Tuesday, December 15, 2015

To the boy with the knives at 2 AM, smoking a cigarette by the arborvitae and dreaming big dreams.

It takes a helluva lot of inner fortitude to stay driven and motivated to succeed when the person who unequivocally is supposed to have your back thinks what you are doing is a waste of time.
I allow myself one night of feeling sorry and sad.
Now, I push back harder, work harder, do more.
I will not allow grasping at straws to stop me, simply because what I am passionate about, what I have chosen, doesn't fit his schema.
This world we build together must make us both happy andh satisfied.
No, I don't think you or they are roadblocks.
Yes, I think we, both, can have it all.
But you don't get to dictate what that means for me, simply because you don't understand it.
I never took you for such a misogynist.
I never thought I'd feel so lost and saddened by your silly, stupid words.
I hope you see the bigger picture, and not the short term.
You cannot stop me from growing, learning, giving myself some strength and attention towards my goals, when all I ever did was support yours, no matter my frustrations or feelings.
I kept silent, and made it work.
Now, maybe you can do the same.

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